The Quieter….the more you Hear


“The quieter you become the more you hear” came from one of my many spiritual teachers Ram Dass.


A couple of weeks ago I was in Sedona on a personal weekend sabbatical we will say. I have been woke to some shadow sides of myself that were buried deep. The unraveling is still in process. Bring on the deep work, which you all know I love. That is how we let the light in and we are able to love and live more fully and deeply.


I had 2 days & 3 nights to get quiet with myself and to listen. I had no expectations expect to stay open to whatever intuitive guidance/awareness that was going to present itself to me.


I arrived on a Friday evening and that Saturday I set out on a trail hike to what was supposed to be to the “Birth Cave” (which was only supposed to be a quick 2 miles in and out). About 2 HOURS in, getting deeper and deeper into this canyon, as I kept my eyes out for what I had seen this place looked like online but .... nothing. And all of a sudden this came to “it’s about the journey, not the destination.” I laughed because at that point I knew fully that I was put on this path to just enJOY and not feel like I am always headed to a certain peak or accomplish a certain quest, which has shown up a lot lately in this shadow side of myself. So at that moment I decided, I acknowledged the message and headed back 2 more hours to the car enJOYING the space and time to just be with nature, my happy place.


Then as I was driving through switch backs into a city called Jerome and onwards towards Prescott where I staying, again another “message” came to me. Check into what Shadow Work is.


I got back to my hotel room and immediately googled what it meant.... “to make the subconscious conscious” among some other things that really resonated. I thought I had done this work some where along my journeys but I hadn’t, well at least not in this way. My body immediately gave me an internal “Yes, this is where you need to work love.”


By the end of the weekend I had an appt scheduled with a spiritual counselor that works specifically with this type of work. 


Trauma lives in these shadows. But as I always say, healing is possible.


I invite you to take some time, get quiet. It doesn’t have to be long. Meet the discomfort, the weirdness of how it might feel. Meet the mental chatter with a couple deep belly breathes and loving kindness.

Stay open, listen, to see what arises. 

All my love & support,



To the mom’s (persons) who are exhausted....I see you


the State of Grace difference